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Board of Directors

Welcome our new boards of directors! 

The WSSCSW has been undergoing a rebuilding process after the internal collapse of the board in 2023. We are excited to announce the permanent boards of directors who will be carrying the WSSCSW mission, vision and values forward. We continue to work on stabilizing the infrastructure, restoring the internal functionality and building a new Social Justice and Equity Chair position. The permanent boards of directors will lead us into the future as a clinically thriving, connected, diverse, inclusive and values driven professional organization that focuses on provide the highest quality of services to all of our clients.

As we move from the transitional board to the permanent board, we will do our best to ensure we are responding and meeting the needs of WSSCSW. Please be patient with us. We are all fellow members, volunteering in this role. We are working on ensuring WSSCSW has the administrative support it needs to be set up for success. 

We will be keeping members updated with regular email announcements and posting the permanent board minutes in the members-only section of the website. Our first board meeting will be held on 8/18. If you have reached out in the past and not received a response, please know that the permanent board does not have access to any of the email accounts and cannot see your messages. You can now reach the transitional board by emailing the temporary address at and the appropriate permanent board member will see your message. 


President, Lisa Strub, LICSW

Past President Tanya Ranchigoda, LICSW 

Secretary, Julia Kocian, LICSW

Treasurer, Stacey McFarland, LICSW

Social Justice and Equity Chair, Jamie Weber, LICSW

Ethics Chair, Lara Okoloko, LICSW

Associates Co-Chairs, Melissa Wood Brewster, LICSW and Andy Ensor, LICSW

Professional Development Chair, Ryan Petros, LICSW

Membership Chair, Denise Malm, LICSW (Interim), Open

Communications Chair, Open

Legislative Chair, Open

Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work
14201 SE Petrovitsky Rd Ste A3-269 • Renton, WA  98058 •


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