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    • August 03, 2024

    Executive functioning skills are all the mental processes involved in starting, doing and finishing tasks. Examples include task initiation, emotional regulation, organization, planning, prioritization and time management. Executive functioning skills are frequently impacted in adults with ADHD, leading to inefficiencies, ineffectiveness and procrastination on tasks. This in turn impacts their personal relationships and professional goals. The same challenges can also impact their ability to engage with and follow through in therapy for successful progress. She is the founder of Calm Seas ADHD Coaching.

    Executive functioning strategies that work for non-ADHD clients often are not effective (and can sometimes be detrimental) for ADHD clients. ADHD is also highly contextual and the same client can struggle in some contexts where their challenges are at the forefront while thriving in others where their strengths are more at play. Understanding the differences in the ADHD and non-ADHD brain wiring is critical to help you set your ADHD client up for success. It allows you to use structure, support and strategies that align well with their brain wiring.

    This presentation by Master Certified ADHD Coach, Vidya Guhan, will help you understand how key executive function skills present challenges for adults with ADHD, and how you can adjust your approach and ameliorate these gaps to empower your clients. The presentation will cover several aspects of executive functioning skills including

    1. Brain activation
    2. Emotional/ Self regulation
    3. Working Memory
    4. Time Management

    with a focus on understanding the difference between the ADHD and non ADHD brain wiring. This will help you be informed when working with adults with ADHD or couples with ADHD and non ADHD partners and empower you to use practical strategies to support clients with ADHD to be successful in therapy.

    Learning Goals

    • Understand the key differences between the ADHD and non-ADHD brain wiring with respect to the relationship between interest, importance and attention and develop strategies to bridge these differences.
    • Understand important factors contributing to emotional/self regulation challenges in adults with ADHD and understand the role that short frequent informal practices of mindfulness can play in reducing emotional dysregulation, improving inhibition and increasing self compassion.
    • Learn practical strategies to optimize structure and support to improve engagement, follow through and emotional well being when working with adults with ADHD or couples with an ADHD/ Non-ADHD partnership.

    Presenter Bio

    Vidya is a Master Certified ADHD coach, Professional Certified Life Coach and a licensed Speech Language Pathologist with over 16 years of experience developing executive functioning skills, such as time management, planning, organization and emotional regulation, in children and adults. She currently focuses on coaching adults who have been recently diagnosed with ADHD, and finds joy in helping her clients discover how they are most naturally wired for success, how their ADHD challenges show up for them, and how to work successfully with their unique brain wiring. Vidya coaches clients individually and in small groups through her transformative Comprehensive CORE group coaching program. Vidya is a well received speaker and offers webinars on ADHD related topics such as Procrastination to Productivity! and Parenting with ADHD in Mind. She is known for presenting information in a way that is easily understood, frequently including relatable examples, analogies and anecdotes. Vidya works with professionals from all walks of life, including engineers, medical professionals, entrepreneurs, lawyers, artists, writers and educators, and helps them transform their lives by understanding, owning and thriving with their ADHD.

Past events

May 30, 2024 Informal Coffee Connection
January 21, 2024 The DSM-5-TR: What you need to know
December 01, 2023 Polyvagal Theory Workshop by Dr. Crawford: Register at
October 26, 2023 Everything to Know About Emotional Support Animals
October 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse in Springfield, OR
October 07, 2023 The Social Work Compact: Current Status
September 29, 2023 Gender Sensitive Care for Men and Their Intimate Partners: The Impact of Men’s Hidden Fears of Women
September 11, 2023 September Board Meeting
August 08, 2023 Interstate Licensure Compacts: 2023 Update
June 26, 2023 June Board Meeting
June 09, 2023 Social Justice and Trauma Informed EMDR Online
May 18, 2023 Understanding Key ADHD Executive Functioning Challenges, Skills and Strategies to Support Your Adult Clients with ADHD in Therapy
May 11, 2023 Board Meeting
May 06, 2023 Trivia and Pizza in Renton
May 04, 2023 Recording: Intersectionality of Trauma & Addiction
April 30, 2023 April Town Hall 2023
April 28, 2023 Anti-Racist Group Practice and Social Work Ethics
April 13, 2023 Board Meeting
March 21, 2023 Islam and Sexuality 101
March 10, 2023 The Intersectionality of Trauma & Addiction
March 09, 2023 Board Meeting
March 05, 2023 Meet & Eat Macarons
February 09, 2023 Board Meeting
February 09, 2023 Healing-Centered Practices and Childhood Trauma Reimagining Ourselves and Transforming Our Work with Children and Families
February 07, 2023 White Affinity Group
February 05, 2023 Coffee & Chats
February 02, 2023 February Town Hall 2023
January 19, 2023 Mindful Self-Care: Breathing Together
January 15, 2023 Escape the Ice Palace
January 10, 2023 BIPOC Affinity Group
December 18, 2022 Community Holiday Party
December 15, 2022 Mindful Self-Care: Breathing Together
December 08, 2022 December Town Hall
December 04, 2022 Wine & Align
November 20, 2022 Community Potluck
November 18, 2022 Legislation Lunch and Learn
November 15, 2022 Mindful Self-Care: Breathing Together
November 10, 2022 Board Meeting
November 08, 2022 BIPOC Affinity Group
November 07, 2022 Recording: Tarot as a Therapeutic Tool
October 27, 2022 Tarot as a Therapeutic Tool
October 23, 2022 WSSCSW does Oktoberfest!
October 13, 2022 Board Meeting
September 24, 2022 Social Work Legislation 101
September 22, 2022 United with WSSCSW
September 16, 2022 Happy Hour & Hello
September 15, 2022 How to Screen for DV in Individuals, Couples and Families
September 02, 2022 Anti-Oppressive Healing Circles/Healing Spaces
August 18, 2022 Recording: Clinical Documentation for a Post-Roe World
August 16, 2022 Recording: Ethics of Letter Writing for Gender Affirming Care
August 15, 2022 Member Meeting with Lobbying Finalist, Samuel Martin
August 05, 2022 Clinical Documentation for a Post-Roe World
July 28, 2022 Annual Gathering of the Membership
June 23, 2022 How to Start a Private Practice
June 17, 2022 Ethics of Letter Writing for Gender Affirming Care
May 03, 2022 Recording: What is Involved in Being a Multiculturally Competent Therapist
May 02, 2022 What is Involved in Being a Multiculturally Competent Therapist
April 28, 2022 Board Meeting
April 18, 2022 Recording: Counseling Muslims- Tips on Providing Culturally Informed Treatment
April 07, 2022 Counseling Muslims: Tips on Providing Culturally Informed Treatment
March 31, 2022 Letter Writing for Gender Affirming Care
March 31, 2022 Recording: Letter Writing for Gender Affirming Care
March 25, 2022 Becoming- Michelle Obama Documentary
March 20, 2022 Mentorship Group
February 24, 2022 Being Bold in the Face of Adversity! Examining Imposter Syndrome and Re-Affirming Your Worth!
February 24, 2022 Recording: Being Bold in the Face of Adversity! Examining Imposter Syndrome and Reaffirming Your Worth!
February 17, 2022 Recording: Affirming Care for Queer & Trans*, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
February 16, 2022 Recording: Policies, Resources, and Strategies for Social Workers to Reduce the Burden of Firearm Injuries
February 09, 2022 Policies, Resources, and Strategies for Social Workers to Reduce the Burden of Firearm Injuries
February 01, 2022 Buffering Intergenerational Trauma: Child Well-Being and Community-Based Resilience
January 29, 2022 Bridging the Gaps: Mental Health Care for Gender Dysphoria
January 13, 2022 Board Meeting
January 03, 2022 Beyond the Book An Anti-Racist Book Circle: How To Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
December 07, 2021 Healing Seasons: Preventing HIV Among Native Americans Through the Treatment of PTSD & Substance Use
November 05, 2021 Through An Immigrant Lens
October 20, 2021 Board Meeting
October 16, 2021 Bridging the Gaps: Mental Health Care for Gender Dysphoria
October 07, 2021 Affirming Care for Queer & Trans* Black, Indigenous, People of Color (QTBIPOC)
September 22, 2021 Board Meeting
September 15, 2021 Online Mentorship Group
September 02, 2021 Attuning to Developmental Differences- Mente Counseling
August 18, 2021 Board Meeting
August 05, 2021 Telehealth: How to Practice Across State Lines for Mental Health Professionals
July 21, 2021 Board Meeting
July 08, 2021 A Mind-Body Approach to Race-Based Traumatic Stress Recovery
June 24, 2021 How To Start A Private Practice
May 21, 2021 Beyond Self-Care: Managing Secondary Traumatic Stress through a Skills-Based Model
April 24, 2021 Loss & Grief 101: Clinical Theory, Bereavement Models, Case Conceptualiztion, and Basic Interventions for Grieving Clients-Envision Counseling
March 19, 2021 How Does Teletherapy Fundamentally Change Our Practice? Implications for Ethical, Practical & Multicultural Practice Competence
March 15, 2021 Becoming Anti-Racist: A Life Journey
February 09, 2021 Sustaining & Empowering Change Agents
January 28, 2021 Intro to Health at Every Size: What if Health & Mental Healthcare Was Not Weight Centric?
December 10, 2020 Grief and Complicated Grief for the Mental Health Professional
December 05, 2020 Social Worker Meet Up
November 18, 2020 Board Meeting
November 10, 2020 Girls on the Spectrum: Diagnosis and Treatment Concerns
November 07, 2020 Social Worker Meet Up
November 07, 2020 Ethics in Rural Psychology- WSPA
October 09, 2020 Looking into the Well: Practices for Embodied Equity
September 16, 2020 Board Meeting
August 26, 2020 Online Mentorship Group
August 13, 2020 Social Worker Meet Up
July 25, 2020 LICSW Study Session
July 22, 2020 Board Meeting
June 13, 2020 LICSW Study Session
May 20, 2020 Board Meeting
May 16, 2020 Social Worker Meet Up
May 09, 2020 LICSW Study Session
April 24, 2020 Cultural Competence As a Legal, Ethical, and Clinical Mandate
April 04, 2020 Social Worker Meet Up
March 29, 2020 Social Worker Meet Up
March 18, 2020 Board Meeting
March 05, 2020 Transracial Adoption
February 26, 2020 Trauma Informed Practice: Introduction to Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)
January 18, 2020 Annual Board Retreat
January 09, 2020 Mentorship Group
December 07, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
November 24, 2019 Grieving, Angry, and Scared: Clinical Implications of Climate Change
November 14, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
October 24, 2019 Clinical Supervision Workshop
October 16, 2019 The "Acceptance" in Acceptance Based Therapies
October 05, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
September 13, 2019 Washington State Social Work Licensure Examination Preparation Course
September 12, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
September 04, 2019 What's Money, Sex, Food Got To Do With It? Understanding Intimacy Avoidant Behaviors
August 03, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
July 26, 2019 Psychological Flexibility in Action: An Experiential Introduction to ACT
July 19, 2019 Introduction to Affirmative Mental Health Care for Gender Diverse Clients Workshop
July 18, 2019 Board Meeting
July 18, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
July 12, 2019 LASW/LICSW Licensure Exam Prep Workshop
June 11, 2019 Mentorship Group
June 05, 2019 Annual June Membership Dinner
June 01, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
May 17, 2019 Family Therapy Institute: The Ackerman Relational Approach
May 09, 2019 Social Worker Meet Up
April 30, 2019 Helping Families Through a First Psychosis Episode
April 25, 2019 Clinical Supervision: Theory & Practice
April 06, 2019 Social Worker Meet Ups
March 14, 2019 Social Worker Meet Ups
March 09, 2019 Starting an Ethical Private Practice
March 05, 2019 Psychological Flexibility at Home: ACT with Families
January 10, 2019 Reporting Abuse & Neglect: What Mandated Reporters Need to Report
December 01, 2018 Member Coffee Hour
October 20, 2018 Transforming Powerlessness into Power: Emancipatory Practices for Healing Trauma In Activists and Other Woke Folks
October 03, 2018 Sins of the Parents: Self-Care for Survivors in the Context of the Aging of Abusive Parents
September 14, 2018 NASW 2018 Virtual Conference
July 19, 2018 Board Meeting
June 21, 2018 Board Meeting
May 31, 2018 Board Meeting
May 11, 2018 Golden Threads of Couples Counseling
April 12, 2018 Board Meeting
March 24, 2018 Annual Board Retreat
February 09, 2018 Considerations for Private Practice
November 30, 2017 Clinical Evening Meeting: Keeping An Eye on the Heart: Creative Approaches to Self-Care While in Service to Others
November 07, 2017 Reading Group: Counting on Kindness
November 04, 2017 PART 2: Clinical Social Work Technology Standards Webinars: Ethics, Risks, and Benefits
October 25, 2017 Clinical Evening Meeting: Panel Presentation: Building A Career in Social Work
October 13, 2017 Fall Conference: Culturally Competent Trauma Treatment
October 04, 2017 Reading Group: Feminist Therapy
September 28, 2017 Reading Group: Not the Price of Admission
September 14, 2017 Mentorship Group
June 17, 2017 Mental Health Clinical Practice: Interruptions and Endings
March 25, 2017 Seeing the Water: Racial Dynamics in Our Lives and in Our Work
March 07, 2017 Clinical Evening Meeting: Models of Therapy, Part 2: Psychodynamic, Mindfulness and PACT
March 06, 2017 Associate and Student Meeting
January 31, 2017 Clinical Evening Meeting: Models of Therapy, Part 1: Working with Trauma Survivors
January 26, 2017 Annual Associates Event 2017
December 05, 2016 Quarterly Associate Meeting
November 16, 2016 Clinical Evening Meeting: The Trauma Resilience Model in Everyday Life
July 30, 2016 Clinical Social Work Practice: Interruptions & Endings
June 18, 2016 Racism, Privilege, Clinical Practice Cultural Competence in the 21st Century: Understanding Implicit Bias
May 11, 2016 Clinical Evening Meeting: "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*And Don't Have to Be Afraid to Ask!)"
January 28, 2016 Annual Associates Event
November 18, 2015 Clinical Evening Meeting: A Braver New World: Ethical Use of Technology in Clinical Social Work Practice
September 19, 2015 Code Fried: ICD-10 Codes and DSM-5
April 23, 2015 Clinical Evening Meeting: An Introduction to Working with Trans* and Gender Nonconforming Clients
January 14, 2015 Clinical Evening Meeting: Coping with Trauma, Assisting Grief and Building Resilience: The CISM Example
November 01, 2014 Beyond Words: Attachment, Trauma & Implicit Communication
October 01, 2014 Clinical Evening Meeting: The Use of Story in Clinical Practice: Reframing Personal Narratives About Health & Wellbeing
April 05, 2014 HIPAA, HIPAA, HOORAY! NEW CHANGES to the HIPAA RULE for Mental Health Clinicians
November 12, 2013 2013-2014 Clinical Evening Meetings: A Year of Integration & Growth: Continuing the Discussion of Body, Mind & Trauma
November 12, 2013 Clinical Evening Meeting: The Potential Impacts of the Affordable Health Care Act to Clinical Practice
October 19, 2013 Beyond Abstract Language, the Truth of Face-Heart-Brain Communication and the Five Practices of Somatic Transformation
April 27, 2013 “I Googled You!” Staying Clinically Centered in an Online World
April 09, 2013 2013 Clinical Evening Meetings: Staying Clinically Centered in a Constantly Evolving Field
September 28, 2012 Pre-Conference: "I Googled You!" Staying Clinically Centered In An Online World
June 21, 2012 Annual Party of the Membership
October 15, 2011 Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender & Sexual Orientation
October 11, 2011 Starting Your Own Private Practice
June 16, 2011 Annual Party of the Membership
May 14, 2011 Full-Day Conference: Dr. Jeffrey Kottler The Journey of the Therapist: How Clients Change Their Therapists over the Career Span
May 13, 2011 Pre-Conference: Dr. Jeffrey Kottler, PhD.The Journey of the Therapist: How Clients Change Their Therapists over the Career Span
April 13, 2011 End of Practice and Beyond: Transitions, Reflections & Lessons Learned
February 09, 2011 Sustainable Practice: Maintaining A Healthy Practice in the Face of Economic, Political & Professional Changes
December 08, 2010 When Life Happens: The Impact of Personal Life Events on Practice
November 09, 2010 Fresh Eyes: Cultivating "Beginners Mind" Throughout The Clinical Life Span

Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work
14201 SE Petrovitsky Rd Ste A3-269 Renton, WA 98058 •

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